Thank you for considering making a gift to the Raine Medical Research Foundation.
Each year, the results of health and medical research benefit hundreds of thousands of adults, children, and the elderly. With your support, the Raine Medical Research Foundation will continue to apply our proven approach in selecting and funding the highest quality research, delivering the breakthroughs necessary to improve health outcomes in our community.
To make a donation please contact
Dr Amelia Scaffidi on (08) 6488 4880
or via email at
Your tax deductible donation will help the Raine Medical Research Foundation support researchers to continue their life-saving discoveries for the benefit of us all.
If you have any questions about the types of research supported by the Raine Medical Research Foundation or how your donation will be allocated, please feel free to contact Dr Amelia Scaffidi at (08) 6488 4880 or via email at You can also learn more about the research we support here.


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